The Famous St. George's Pizza Party is Next Week!
Sunday, February 23, from 4 to 7 pm, join us in Miller Hall to put toppings on your very own pizza and have our talented chefs bake it. We will have some of the standard pizza toppings available, and our dough and sauce are vegan friendly. Have a favorite topping? Bring it with you and put it on your personal pizza! Have a favorite pizza pan? Bring it and we'll put a dough on it for you! Gluten-free? Bring a dough and we’ll have a pan for you! If you would like to learn how to make pizza dough, or want to help make it, come by around 3:15 pm and we will welcome you. For more information or to contribute ingredients or help, contact Michael Mangiapane HERE or Mary Rogers HERE. It's St. George's Mardi Gras and Silent Auction Time! When: Saturday, March 1 from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. Theme: Bring Your Fiction To Life - come in costume and be creative! Think favorite characters, favorite settings, favorite books. Prizes will be awarded for best costume! Dinner: Catered by C&C Catering, our own Cynthia Griffith. Entertainment: Paul Arnold Jr. is back by popular demand with his tin-pan drum. To-Do: Buy Tickets NOW Adult tickets are $35.00 in advance or $40.00 at the door. Ages 11-20 are $25.00 in advance or $30.00 at the door. Ages 10 and under are free. Everybody attending needs a ticket to track our numbers. To know: If you would like to come and cost is an issue, scholarships are available; speak with Connie+. If you can't make the party but would like to help, you can always donate to the scholarship fund. Final to-do: Invite friends, family and neighbors! All are welcome! Dinner and Scripture Night - February 20 You are invited! On Thursday, February 20 at 6 pm there will be a gathering at parishioner Terry Lawlah's house in Glenn Dale. We will enjoy food, fellowship, and scripture! Each person should bring a scripture verse or biblical story you turn to in challenging times. There is a sign up sheet on the credenza at church or email David in the office if you'd like to participate. Support Our Kids, Come See the St. George’s Players perform A Year With Frog and Toad At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Welcome to Rt. Rev. Marianne Edgar Budde as she makes her official visitation to our parish this morning! Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet. ![]()
The Famous St. George's Pizza Party is February 23!
Sunday, February 23, from 4 to 8 pm, join us in Miller Hall to put toppings on your very own pizza and have our talented chefs bake it. We will have some of the standard pizza toppings available, and our dough and sauce are vegan friendly. Have a favorite topping? Bring it with you and put it on your personal pizza! Have a favorite pizza pan? Bring it and we'll put a dough on it for you! Gluten-free? Bring a dough and we’ll have a pan for you! If you would like to learn how to make pizza dough, or want to help make it, come by around 3:30 pm and we will welcome you. For more information or to contribute ingredients or help, contact Michael Mangiapane HERE or Mary Rogers HERE. Mardi Gras Tickets are on Sale Now St. George's Mardi Gras Dinner and Silent Auction is coming up on Saturday, March 1! The festivities start at 6 pm and tickets are on sale now. Adult tickets are $35.00 in advance or $40.00 at the door, ages 11-20 are $25.00 in advance or $30.00 at the door, ages 10 and under are free. Everybody attending needs a ticket to track our numbers. See Gene Ferrick to buy your tickets now! Bowie Food Pantry Collection This Sunday The Bowie Food Pantry is really in need of our support this month. Contributions were very low in January. They are in need of many items- low sugar cereals, rice in boxes or microwaveable pouches, peanut butter and jelly, and several types of canned meats such as Spam, Beef Stew, Chili, and Corned Beef. Please bring items in or, if you prefer, donate a grocery card and we will do the shopping. Thank you for any help you can provide this month. We are collecting the food this Sunday. Peta Cappello Funeral Monday, February 10 On Monday, the 10th of February at 10:00 am, we will celebrate the life of Peta Cappello with a service at St. George's. All are invited to attend in person or virtually. Obituary link HERE. Dinner and Scripture Night - February 20 You are invited! On Thursday, February 20 at 6 pm there will be a gathering at parishioner Terry Lawlah's house in Glenn Dale. We will enjoy food, fellowship, and scripture! Each person should bring a scripture verse or biblical story you turn to in challenging times. There is a sign up sheet on the credenza at church or email David in the office if you'd like to participate. At 9 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Get your own Star Word by clicking on the arrow and spinning the wheel. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet. ![]()
The Famous St. George's Pizza Party is Coming February 23!
Sunday, February 23, from 4 to 8 pm, join us in Miller Hall to put toppings on your very own pizza and have our talented chefs bake it. We will have some of the standard pizza toppings available, and our dough and sauce are vegan friendly. Have a favorite topping? Bring it with you and put it on your personal pizza! Have a favorite pizza pan? Bring it and we'll put a dough on it for you! Gluten-free? Bring a dough and we’ll have a pan for you! If you would like to learn how to make pizza dough, or want to help make it, come by around 3:30 pm and we will welcome you. For more information or to contribute ingredients or help, contact Michael Mangiapane HERE or Mary Rogers HERE. Bowie Food Pantry Collection February 9 The Bowie Food Pantry is really in need of our support this month. Contributions were very low in January. They are in need of many items- low sugar cereals, rice in boxes or microwaveable pouches, peanut butter and jelly, and several types of canned meats such as Spam, Beef Stew, Chili, and Corned Beef. Please bring items in or, if you prefer, donate a grocery card and we will do the shopping. Thank you for any help you can provide this month. We will be collecting the food on Sunday, February 9. Absalom Jones Celebration Service This Sunday at 3 pm! The Crummell-Cooper Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians invite you to come celebrate Absalom Jones, the first Black ordained Episcopal Priest, at St. Andrew’s in College Park this Sunday from 3 pm to 5 pm. At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Get your own Star Word by clicking on the arrow and spinning the wheel. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet. ![]()
The Famous St George's Pizza Party is Coming February 23!
Sunday, February 23, from 5 to 8 pm, join us in Miller Hall to put toppings on your very own pizza and have our talented chefs bake it. We will have some of the standard pizza toppings available, and our dough and sauce are vegan friendly. Have a favorite topping? Bring it with you and put it on your personal pizza! Have a favorite pizza pan? Bring it and we'll put a dough on it for you! Gluten-free? Bring a dough and we’ll have a pan for you! If you would like to learn how to make pizza dough, or want to help make it, come by around 3:30 pm and we will welcome you. For more information or to contribute ingredients or help, contact Michael Mangiapane or Mary Rogers. Thank You For Your Generosity! Our Saint George’s community has responded with great generosity to help relieve medical debt. Given the success of the campaign so far, over $18,000 and counting, the Justice League has updated our goal to $20,000, and we hope to exceed that amount. Thank you for your gifts to our Prince George’s neighbors. There is still time to donate. If you have questions, any member of the Justice league can provide more information. Please donate directly to our campaign page on the Undue Medical debt website HERE. St. George’s Annual Meeting is Next Week – 9:00 am Service!! Next Sunday, February 2, following the single 9:00 am service, St. George’s Church, Glenn Dale Parish will hold our Annual Parish Meeting. We will elect vestry members, get a “state of the parish” update and do other business of the church. Please plan to attend and do your part in the exercise of church governance. Visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture with Other Faith Communities On Monday, February 17 at 1:15 pm (Presidents Day), members of Bowie faith communities Temple Solel and Christian Community Presbyterian Church are making a trip to the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC - and St. George's is invited to participate. If you are interested, please sign up now to reserve your space. There is a sign up sheet on the credenza. At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet. ![]()
Thank You For Your Generosity!
Our Saint George’s community has responded with great generosity to help relieve medical debt. Six weeks into the Undue Medical Debt Campaign, we have met our initial goal of $15,000. Given the success of the campaign so far, the Justice League has updated our goal to $20,000, and we hope to exceed that amount. Thanks so much for your gifts to our Prince George’s neighbors. There is still time to donate. If you have questions, any member of the Justice league can provide more information. Please donate directly to our campaign page on the Undue Medical debt website HERE. Adult Confirmation Class Starts on January 22 This year's confirmation class for adults will meet on Wednesdays from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. The first class is January 22 so it is not too late to join! Let the Rector know if you are interested. Diocese of Washington "Service Towards Repentance" Friday, January 24 Join with others for a liturgy of truth-telling, reckoning, and repentance for the harms done within the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, from the enslavement era through the present, to the Black community, so that we might move toward new relationships in Christ. The service is at the Washington National Cathedral from 7:00 - 8:30 pm on Friday, January 24. All are invited to attend. The service will be preceded by a simple dinner and streamed live, find more information on the event HERE. St. George’s Annual Meeting is February 2 On Sunday, February 2, following the single 9:00 am service, St. George’s Church, Glenn Dale Parish will hold our Annual Parish Meeting. We will elect vestry members, get a “state of the parish” update and do other business of the church. Please plan to attend and do your part in the exercise of church governance. At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet. ![]()
February 2025