Sunday School
Sunday School at St. George’s meets at 9:00 am twice a month with classes from pre-K through high school. Living the Good News is a program based on the Sunday readings and used by the primary and intermediate students, while younger children participate in the Montessori-based Godly Play program. The high school students have thoughtful discussions about religion, spirituality, current events, everyday challenges, and help fundraise, plan, and participate in a mission trip during the summer. |
Children of all ages, including infants and toddlers, are welcome at St. George’s and during services. They are also welcome to be in the nursery (often called the cry room) during the service. The nursery is attached to the sanctuary and staffed by a professional childcare provider. It is a safe and nurturing place where children can play and also be part of the worshipping community. |
Young people age 7 and up are invited to be part of the St. George's acolyte program. The word acolyte means attendant or helper, and acolytes assist the priest during services on Sundays as well as for special services including Christmas Eve, Holy Week, and funerals or weddings. Acolytes begin as trainees and are assigned an older acolyte mentor as they go through a training process before being promoted to 'Full Acolyte'. |
Youth Activities
Children, youth and teenagers participate in various activities over the course of the year, from volunteering to serve dinner the homeless shelter to going as a group to cut down a Christmas tree for the annual St. Nicolas party. There are also age-specific gatherings during the year, and ieas from young St. Georgians about interests they would like to pursue are always welcome. |
Mission Trips
Teenagers and young adults at St. George’s are encouraged to participate in a mission trip each summer, putting their faith into action by serving others. From working on houses to hurricane recovery efforts, from working with children in urban areas to working at a regional food bank, St. George’s young people give of themselves to serve those in need – and get back more in return. After each mission trip, the youth put on a dinner for the parish to share stories, show pictures and thank the congregation for their support. |