At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet.
At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet.
Bring Cookies! (July-August)
Okay it doesn't have to be cookies - but each Sunday for hospitality there is a spot for a volunteer to bring something on the sweet side to supplement what the hospitality hosts are providing. Be it cookies or muffins or breads or whatever strikes your fancy - make it or buy it and bring it to share. Thank you to our May and June volunteers! The sign up sheet for July and August is now out on the credenza, and the last week of July and the first two weeks of August are still available. Please sign up! Pray for the St. George's Youth Group On Saturday, June 22, St. George's teens and adult chaperones leave for Savannah, Georgia for the 2024 Youth Mission Trip. Please pray for all of them for safe travel and a meaningful week of service. If you would like to support the youth group you can buy tickets to the report back dinner on July 28 at 5 pm to hear stories and experiences of the trip. Tickets are $15. Additionally raffle tickets are on sale for $10 to win dinner for eight with Bishop Mariann at her home. The raffle winner will be drawn at the post trip dinner. Do You Have an Idea for Summer Fun at St. George's? We are moving closer to summertime and a more relaxed schedule around church - which means it's a great time to think about fun summer events for the St. George's community. Plans are in the works for a Bowie Baysox game; details pending. But if you have an idea for a gathering and the wherewithal to plan it, reach out! Game night? Campfire gathering? Movie night? Field trip? The possibilities are many. Bring your suggestions to Roy Peterson, Mary Rogers, Gene Ferrick, or Connie+. At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet.
Please Support the Rector’s Discretionary Fund
Many of you know that we have a separate bank account at St. George’s that provides money for Connie to make confidential gifts to those in need. This account, the Rector’s Discretionary Fund (RDF), allows Connie to help people in urgent situations. With the RDF, Connie can provide immediate help as she learns of such needs, and this is a part of her ministry as rector. For the past few years, the balance in the account has been adequate, due to donations and the now terminated Amazon Smile program, but it’s time for us to replenish the account. You can donate by cash, check or electronic payment, but please be sure to indicate that the donation is for the RDF. Contact our treasurer, Mary Frances Bruce, if you have questions. Thank you. Bible Study on Ruth and Esther There are 156 Sundays in the three year cycle of the church readings (the lectionary) - and a total of 3 readings from the Book of Ruth and the Book of Esther show up. Learn more about these books by participating in a Monday evening bible study this spring. The books are quite short but raise themes of loving-kindness and suffering, identity and foreignness, empowerment and reversal. Join us on Mondays at 7 pm. You can speak to Karen Horrocks, Terry Doyle, Jocelyn Tidwell or Connie+ with questions. The next meeting is Monday, June 17 via Zoom HERE. Do You Have an Idea for Summer Fun at St. George's? We are moving closer to summertime and a more relaxed schedule around church - which means it's a great time to think about fun summer events for the St. George's community. Plans are in the works for a Bowie Baysox game; details pending. But if you have an idea for a gathering and the wherewithal to plan it, reach out! Game night? Campfire gathering? Movie night? Field trip? The possibilities are many. Bring your suggestions to Roy Peterson, Mary Rogers, Gene Ferrick, or Connie+. At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet.
Bowie Food Pantry Collection This Sunday
The collection for the Bowie Food Pantry is this Sunday. For the month of June, the Bowie Food Pantry has a short list of needs: pasta sauce in 24 oz jars, pasta noodles, condiments (ketchup, mustard, and salad dressings), and toilet paper. Thanks for the way St. George’s supports the Food Pantry. They are very grateful! Support the Youth Mission Trip! The mission trip is coming up at the end of the month and the youth group will be headed to Savannah, Georgia the last week of June. We appreciate the current and previous support from the parish. So far, our fundraising includes the Mardi Gras silent auction, parents’ night out, the pancake supper, the bake sale, and the car wash. Other ways to support the youth group are to attend the post mission trip dinner on July 28 at 5 pm in Miller Hall and to buy a raffle ticket to win dinner for eight with Bishop Mariann. The tickets for the dinner are $15 and the tickets for the raffle are $10. We will be selling them in the narthex from now until the post trip dinner, where we will announce the raffle winner. Many thanks and hope to see you there! Bible Study on Ruth and Esther There are 156 Sundays in the three year cycle of the church readings (the lectionary) - and a total of 3 readings from the Book of Ruth and the Book of Esther show up. Learn more about these books by participating in a Monday evening bible study this spring. The books are quite short but raise themes of loving-kindness and suffering, identity and foreignness, empowerment and reversal. Join us on Mondays at 7 pm. You can speak to Karen Horrocks, Terry Doyle, Jocelyn Tidwell or Connie+ with questions. The next meeting is Monday, June 10 via Zoom HERE. 2024 Pride Events in June Contact Michael Mangiapane HERE or Mary Rogers HERE with questions. • Greenbelt Pride Prom is on Friday, June 14 from 8 to 10 pm at the Beltway Plaza Mall in the former Big Lots space (Second Floor). Tickets are $10 each. Ages 12 and over. Under 18 requires an adult chaperone. • Greenbelt Pride Fest on Saturday, June 15. 11 am - Parade Meetup at Spellman Overpass on Gardenway led by Greenbelt Honk Situation! 12 noon to 3 pm - Festival at Roosevelt Center (131 Centerway) with live DJ, Drag Queen and King performances, informational resource tables, free on-site STI testing. 8 pm - Drag Bingo with D’Manda Martini at Beltway Plaza (6000 Greenbelt Road); must be 21+. At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet.
December 2024