Follow along with the service booklet: Open it in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking Download file. If you're on a phone or tablet, long press on Download File to open it in a new tab or to save it. We also offer a printer friendly version of the booklet.
Join us at 11 AM for the Virtual Coffee Hour. Visit our Calendar page and click on the event to find the link to join us.
The Justice League is meeting virtually on Wednesday, June 3 at 7PM. If you want to attend, you will find the Zoom link on the parish calendar page on the website or contact Peggy Alexander or Mary Frances Bruce.
Follow along with the service booklet: Open it in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking Download file. If you're on a phone or tablet, long press on Download File to open it in a new tab or to save it. We also offer a printer friendly version of the booklet
Join us at 11 AM for the Virtual Coffee Hour. Visit our Calendar page and click on the event to find the link to join the coffee hour.
Service on Ascension Day This Thursday May 21 at 7 pm
Thursday, May 21 is forty days after Easter Sunday, and it is the day when the church observes the tradition of Jesus ascending to heaven. In celebration of the Ascension, St. George's will hold a service at 7:00 pm on May 21. The service will be held via Zoom and you are invited to video or call in in by phone to the service if you would like to take part. Look for the Zoom link on the calendar page of the church website. It will also be sent out in Wednesday's parish email. Follow along with the service booklet: Open it in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking Download file. If you're on a phone or tablet, long press on Download File to open it in a new tab or to save it. We also offer a printer friendly version of the booklet.
Join us at 11 AM for the Virtual Coffee Hour. Visit our Calendar page and click on the event to find the link to join the coffee hour.
Don't forget to use the comments to leave your answer the question from Connie's sermon: In your experience, what makes a place holy? A statement from the Episcopal Bishops of Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia about how we may phase in re-gathering as a Church group as the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold. Their statement is available in both English and Spanish.
Follow along with the service booklet: Open it in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking Download file. If you're on a phone or tablet, long press on Download File to open it in a new tab or to save it. We also offer a printer friendly version of the booklet.
Join us at 11 AM for the Virtual Coffee Hour. Visit our Calendar page and click on the event to find the link to join the coffee hour
Thank you for your generosity to World Central Kitchen!
Our Lenten collection for World Central Kitchen was a real reflection of what our parish is all about! As of May 6, we have collected $2700 in donations, which is amazing! In the past six weeks, WCK has served more than 3 million meals in over 155 cities in 25 states and territories. Our donation will go directly to serving the people who need food locally and throughout our nation. Your commitment to helping others is a sign of hope in a challenging time. Thank you! Contemplative Prayer Group Starting this week, on May 12, St. George's will begin holding a contemplative prayer group on the even (2nd and 4th) Tuesdays of the month at 7:30pm. Please join us via Zoom on May 12 & 26 for shared prayer, stillness and group reflection. You can find the meeting details on the calendar page of the website. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Terry Doyle at [email protected] Thank you for your generosity to World Central Kitchen!
Our Lenten collection for World Central Kitchen was a real reflection of what our parish is all about! As of April 30 we have collected $2530 in donations, which is amazing! In the past six weeks, WCK has served more than 3 million meals in over 155 cities in 25 states and territories. Our donation will go directly to serving the people who need food locally and throughout our nation. Your commitment to helping others is a sign of hope in a challenging time. Thank you! Way of Love Bible Study Join us for weekly bible study using the "fifty day bible challenge" series as we explore Jesus' way of love. We will be using materials from The Way of Love Bible Challenge that includes a passage of scripture to read each day along with a short reflection and questions to think about. We will meet via Zoom every Monday in May and June at 7 pm. If you would like to participate, email Connie+ at [email protected] or Terry Doyle at [email protected] Follow along with the service booklet: Open it in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking Download file. If you're on a phone or tablet, long press on Download File to open it in a new tab or to save it. We also offer a printer friendly version of the booklet.
Join us at 11 AM for the Virtual Coffee Hour. Visit our Calendar page and click on the event to find the link to join the coffee hour.
September 2024