Warm Nights Sandwich making
We will be making lunches for the people in the Warm Nights shelter on Saturday, January 14th. We need volunteers to make sandwiches and assemble the lunches. We’ll be working from 9:00 to 10:15 that morning. You can sign up here to help. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4AAEA62BA46-warm1 Thanks for your participation in this important work. Bowie Food Pantry Collection is January 8 The January collection for the Bowie Food Pantry will be next Sunday January 8th. They are especially in need of canned soups, toilet paper and condiments, but are always grateful for any foods that they receive. St. Georgians continue to be very faithful in supporting Bowie Food Pantry. Thank you. Confirmation Meeting January 8 If you are interested in learning more about Confirmation and you are in high school or older, you are invited to an informational meeting on Sunday, January 8 at 11:45 am. Confirmation is an adult affirmation of faith and is how one becomes an Episcopalian if you are from a different denomination or tradition. It involves learning, conversation, and a service with laying on of hands by a bishop. Let Connie+ know if you plan to come to the meeting. While we will have an in-person Christmas Day service at 9 AM, we will be taking a break from streaming today. If you'd like to watch a virtual service you may view the National Cathedral service starting at 11:15 AM.
Have a wonderful Christmas and we will see you in 2023! At 9 PM this evening we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet.
Are You Willing to Run for Vestry in 2023?
The current vestry term ends in February and at the annual meeting on February 5 we will elect new vestry members. If you are interested in learning what a vestry member does or how St. George's vestry works, or would like to put your name in as a candidate, please speak with Connie+, the wardens, or vestry members Luella Tabor or James Hsu. Bowie Food Pantry Collection is January 8 The January collection for the Bowie Food Pantry will be Sunday January 8th. They are especially in need of soups and canned meats, but are always grateful for any foods that they receive. St. Georgians continue to be very faithful in supporting Bowie Food Pantry. Thank you. St. George's 2022 Christmas Service Schedule Saturday December 24 Christmas Eve: 5 pm Family Service with Pageant; 9 pm Festive Eucharist with Special Music Program . You can attend this service via zoom HERE. Sunday December 25 Christmas Day: 9:00 am Eucharist with Music Sunday January 1: 8 am quiet Eucharist; 10 am Christmas Lessons and Carols
At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom.
Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet. It's Not Too Late to Make a Pledge
The vestry meets this week to pass the 2023 budget and thanks all those who have already made their financial commitment to the parish for the upcoming year. It is never too late to make a pledge - cards are available and the online link is https://onrealm.org/StGeorgesChurch/AddPledge/pledge2023 Thank you for your continued financial support of the parish. Holiday Gift and Food Collection Thank you to everyone who signed up to donate either a gift or food for the Gaywood Food Program families. Please remember that items must be brought to church this Sunday, Dec 18 as we are delivering everything to Gaywood on Monday Dec 19. Gifts should be wrapped and include a tag identifying the family and child number. We will be packing the food boxes after the 10:00 service on Sunday; anyone who wishes to is welcome to assist. Thank you for your generous support of these families! At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet.
Christmas Flowers
Anyone who would like to is invited to make a donation for Christmas flowers, thanking God for an event or person in your life, or remembering someone who has passed away. All memorials and thanksgivings will be listed in the Christmas bulletin and can be submitted to the office via email at [email protected] or via the paper form which can be found in a basket on the credenza. To be included in the Christmas bulletin, names should be submitted by Monday, December 19. Finalizing the 2023 Pledge Campaign The Stewardship Team is pleased to announce that we are getting ever closer to our goal of at least 85 pledges for the upcoming year - and with your help we can get there! The vestry will vote on the 2023 budget next week, so making your financial commitment to the church in the form of a pledge now is most helpful. Hard copy pledge cards can be found on the credenza in the hallway and can be placed in the baskets by the sanctuary door, or you can pledge online directly into Realm without having to log in. That link is https://onrealm.org/StGeorgesChurch/AddPledge/pledge2023 Thank you for your generosity and commitment to St. George's and your continued financial support of the parish. Bowie Food Pantry Collection is Sunday December 11 For the month of December, the Bowie Food Pantry is most in need of soups, canned meats, canned vegetables (not corn or green beans) and granola bars. Please bring these items to church on Sunday, December 11th for our monthly collection. Thank you again for your generosity in providing needed food to those who are in need. At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet.
Bowie Food Pantry Collection December 11
For the month of December, the Bowie Food Pantry is most in need of soups, canned meats, canned vegetables (not corn or green beans) and granola bars. Please bring these items to church on Sunday, December 11th for our monthly collection. Thank you again for your generosity in providing needed food to those who are in need. |
December 2024