At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet. ![]()
Support the Youth Mission Trip!
The mission trip is coming up in less than two months and the youth group will be headed to Savannah, Georgia the last week of June. We appreciate the current and previous support from the parish. So far, our fundraising has included the Mardi Gras silent auction, parents’ night out, the pancake supper, the bake sale, and this upcoming car wash (May 5). Other ways to support the youth group are to attend the post mission trip dinner on July 26 at 5 pm in Miller Hall and to buy a raffle ticket to win dinner for eight with Bishop Mariann. The tickets for the dinner are $15 and the tickets for the raffle are $10. We will be selling them in the narthex from now until the post trip dinner, and from there we will announce the winner of the raffle. Many thanks and hope to see you there! In Search of a New Nursery Attendant St. George's would like to start staffing the cry room again with a paid child care provider - and we need your help. If you know someone who might be interested and qualified to work in the cry room from 9:45 - 11:45 on Sunday mornings please have them call the office to set up an interview. The pay rate is competitive. Concert at St. George's This Sunday at 4:00 pm This Sunday, St. George’s will host the Voix de Femmes Women’s Choir for a concert. Voix de Femmes invites us to continue celebrating Earth Day with a presentation of hauntingly beautiful selections composed in majority by women. At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet. ![]()
Youth Group Bake Sale This Sunday
The mission trip youth are having a bake sale this Sunday after both services. They will sell mom’s favorite snickerdoodles, nice chewy brownies, fancy chocolate chip cookies, and more! All proceeds will go directly to the mission trip fund, so buy some cookies and support the mission trip to Savannah, GA! Thank you! The Famous St George's Pizza Party is This Sunday! This Sunday, from 5 to 8 pm, join us in Miller Hall to put toppings on your very own pizza and have our talented chefs bake it. We will have some of the standard pizza toppings available, and our dough and sauce are vegan friendly. Have a favorite topping? Bring it with you and put it on your personal pizza! Have a favorite pizza pan? Bring it and we'll put a dough on it for you! Gluten-free? Bring a dough and we’ll have a pan for you! If you would like to learn how to make pizza dough, or want to help make it, come by around 3:30 pm and we will welcome you. Facilities Update and Help Needed Repairs are happening in the church! We need some help on two activities.
This is the Last Sunday to Donate to St. George’s Lenten Outreach 2024 This year St. George's Lenten Outreach was in support of Project ID and Global Refuge. Project ID works with local partners to help people get the photo IDs and other vital documents they need. Global Refuge, the new name for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, works on refugee resettlement. There are envelopes on the credenza or you can give online. Thank you! Concert on Sunday, April 28 at 4:00 pm On Sunday, April 28, St. George’s will host the Voix de Femmes Women’s Choir for a concert. Voix de Femmes invites us to continue celebrating Earth Day with a presentation of hauntingly beautiful selections composed in majority by women. At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet. ![]()
Youth Group Bake Sale Sunday, April 21
The mission trip youth are having a bake sale on April 21 after both services. They will sell mom’s favorite snickerdoodles, nice chewy brownies, fancy chocolate chip cookies, and more! All proceeds will go directly to the mission trip fund, so buy some cookies and support the mission trip to Savannah, GA! Thank you! The Famous St George's Pizza Party is Coming April 21! Sunday, April 21 from 5 to 8 pm, join us in Miller Hall to put toppings on your very own pizza and have our talented chefs bake it. We will have some of the standard pizza toppings available, and our dough and sauce are vegan friendly. Have a favorite topping? Bring it with you and put it on your personal pizza! Have a favorite pizza pan? Bring it and we'll put a dough on it for you! Gluten-free? Bring a dough and we’ll have a pan for you! If you would like to learn how to make pizza dough, or want to help make it, come by around 3:30 pm and we will welcome you. For more information or to contribute ingredients or help, contact Michael Mangiapane HERE or Mary Rogers HERE. Help out with Hospitality Our new Sunday hospitality system is in place - and we would love to have your participation! Each week there are two "anchor hosts" who bring food, and each week there is a spot for a parish volunteer to bring something sweet - breads, cookies, coffee cake, etc. The sign up sheet is on the credenza or email David in the office HERE. Many thanks to our hosts and to Peter Cooper and Julia Furman for organizing. In Search of a New Nursery Attendant St. George's would like to start staffing the cry room again with a paid child care provider - and we need your help. If you know someone who might be interested and qualified to work in the cry room from 9:45 - 11:45 on Sunday mornings please have them call the office to set up an interview. The pay rate is competitive. Wandering Heart Lenten Program, Final Meeting Monday The Wandering Heart journey with Peter continues beyond Lent into the Easter Season. Join us at St. George's in the sanctuary on Monday at 7 pm for the celebration of a Eucharist that incorporates reflections and crafts as we contemplate Peter's experience of encountering the risen Christ who asks him to "feed my sheep." At 10 AM this morning we will start streaming the service. You can watch here, on our YouTube channel, or you're welcome to join other parishioners on Zoom via our calendar link. Follow along with the service booklet: Open the booklet in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking the link. If you're on a phone or table, long press on the link and select Download File to open it in a new tab or to save the booklet. ![]()
Youth Group Bake Sale Sunday, April 21
The mission trip youth are having a bake sale on April 21 after both services. They will sell mom’s favorite snickerdoodles, nice chewy brownies, fancy chocolate chip cookies, and more! All proceeds will go directly to the mission trip fund, so buy some cookies and support the mission trip to Savannah, GA! Thank you! The Famous St George's Pizza Party is Coming! On Sunday, April 21 from 5 to 8 pm, join us in Miller Hall to put toppings on your very own pizza and have our talented chefs bake it. We will have some of the standard pizza toppings available, and our dough and sauce are vegan friendly. Have a favorite topping? Bring it with you and put it on your personal pizza! Have a favorite pizza pan? Bring it and we'll put a dough on it for you! Gluten-free? Bring a dough and we’ll have a pan for you! If you would like to learn how to make pizza dough, or want to help make it, come by around 3:30 pm and we will welcome you. For more information or to contribute to donating ingredients or help, please contact Michael Mangiapane HERE or Mary Rogers HERE. Bowie Food Pantry The monthly collection for the Bowie Food Pantry will be next Sunday, April 14. This month they are most in need of: low sugar cereals, condiments (salad dressing, mustard, etc.), toilet paper, instant mashed potatoes, and juices that children like. The juices can be in bottles, or in the individual packets that are used for snacks or lunches. Thank you for your continued strong support of the Bowie Food Pantry. In Search of a New Nursery Attendant St. George's would like to start staffing the cry room again with a paid child care provider - and we need your help. If you know someone who might be interested and qualified to work in the cry room from 9:45 - 11:45 on Sunday mornings please have them call the office to set up an interview. The pay rate is competitive. It’s Not Too Late to Donate to St. George’s Lenten Outreach 2024 This year St. George's Lenten Outreach was in support of Project ID and Global Refuge. Project ID works with local partners to help people get the photo IDs and other vital documents they need. Global Refuge, the new name for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, works on refugee resettlement. It is not too late to make your donation as we celebrate the season of Easter. There are envelopes on the credenza or you can give online. Thank you! |
February 2025