Warm Nights Sandwich making
We will be making lunches for the people in the Warm Nights shelter on Saturday, January 14th. We need volunteers to make sandwiches and assemble the lunches. We’ll be working from 9:00 to 10:15 that morning. You can sign up here to help. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4AAEA62BA46-warm1 Thanks for your participation in this important work. Bowie Food Pantry Collection is January 8 The January collection for the Bowie Food Pantry will be next Sunday January 8th. They are especially in need of canned soups, toilet paper and condiments, but are always grateful for any foods that they receive. St. Georgians continue to be very faithful in supporting Bowie Food Pantry. Thank you. Confirmation Meeting January 8 If you are interested in learning more about Confirmation and you are in high school or older, you are invited to an informational meeting on Sunday, January 8 at 11:45 am. Confirmation is an adult affirmation of faith and is how one becomes an Episcopalian if you are from a different denomination or tradition. It involves learning, conversation, and a service with laying on of hands by a bishop. Let Connie+ know if you plan to come to the meeting. |
February 2025