Mardi Gras Party and Silent Auction Saturday, February 10, 2024 from 6:00 to10:00 pm
Tickets on sale now! Mardi Gras will be held on Saturday, February 10 from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. The theme for this year’s party is…Jazz (as in the musical genre, the Jazz Age, jazz instruments, or favorite Jazz performers… let your creativity shine!) Sign-up sheets are up in the hallway at the church, if you can help with decorations, set up, clean up, etc. Meanwhile, buy your tickets now. Adult tickets are $35.00 in advance or $40.00 at the door; Ages 11-20 are $25.00 in advance or $30.00 at the door. Ages 10 and under are free. If you would like to come and cost is an issue, scholarships are available; speak with Connie+. If you can't make the party but would like to help, you can always donate to the scholarship fund. Also, grab a flyer in the narthex to share with others. Invite friends, family and neighbors! All are welcome! Annual Meeting February 4, 2024 and Vestry Openings St. George's Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 4 immediately following the one 9:00 am service that day. This is where we do business of the church, including the "state of the parish" reports and electing new vestry members. There are several openings for the 2024 vestry; if you are interested in learning more you can talk with Renée Moore or Zulma Santiago. Screening of The Philadelphia Eleven this Sunday, January 21 We are pleased to announce that St. George's will host a screening of the documentary The Philadelphia Eleven - the first women ordained in the Episcopal Church. The screening will be this Sunday, January 21 at 4:00 pm at St. George's. The recommended donation is $5. If you are planning to attend and haven’t contacted David yet, there is a sign up sheet at the church. All are welcome! |
February 2025