Welcome and Thanks to our Preacher and Celebrant
Sunday December 5, we welcome the Rev. Dr. William Bultman as our preacher and the Rev. Charles Hoffacker as our celebrant. Both are members of St. George's who are graciously sharing their gifts with us in Connie's absence. Many thanks to them both. Christmas Flowers & Christmas/Year End Donations Those who wish to are invited to make a donation for Christmas flowers, thanking God for an event or person in your life, or remembering someone who has passed away. All memorials and thanksgivings will be listed in the Christmas bulletin and can be submitted to the office via email at [email protected] or via the paper form which can be found in a basket on the credenza. To be included in the Christmas bulletin, names must be submitted by Monday, December 20. Special donations for Christmas are welcome; if you feel moved to make a special donation to St. George's before the end of the year, please mark it Christmas for tracking purposes. Gaywood Holiday Gift Collection As you may know, we partner with Gaywood Elementary School in Seabrook to provide assistance for Gaywood families in need of food support. Currently there are six families in our food program, and this holiday season we would like to give the children in each of these families a gift. See the sign-up sheet in the narthex for additional information; if you wish to participate in this project, take a tag and write your name in the appropriate space. Gifts should be wrapped, marked to identify which child they're intended for, and brought to church no later than December 19. Thank you! An Invitation to Advent Devotions – December 6 and December 13 This Advent, you are invited to engage in a time of group prayer and scripture study on the next two Mondays of the season. On December 6 and December 13 at 7 pm we will gather for prayer and reflection together on the Advent readings from the prophets. We will meet each week via Zoom using https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81012976653?pwd=Mi9aUldXQmhvYjVoUDlZOWxmMTQzU9 and on December 13 we will gather in person in the sanctuary. Consider making this your Advent devotion this year as a way of observing this season of preparation for Jesus' birth. |
February 2025