Christmas Flowers & Christmas/Year End Donations
Those who wish to are invited to make a donation for Christmas flowers, thanking God for an event or person in your life, or remembering someone who has passed away. All memorials and thanksgivings will be listed in the Christmas bulletin and can be submitted to the office via email at [email protected] or via the paper form which can be found in a basket on the credenza. To be included in the Christmas bulletin, names must be submitted by Monday, December 20. Special donations for Christmas are welcome; if you feel moved to make a special donation to St. George's before the end of the year, please mark it Christmas for tracking purposes. Bowie Food Pantry Needs Paper Goods on December 19th The needs for the Bowie Food Pantry are a bit different this month. They asked if we could donate canned meats, toilet paper, tissues and paper towels. Apparently, they have recently received donations through large food drives, and we can help most by donating various paper goods. Please bring your donations to church on December 19th, and we will deliver them to the food pantry the next day. Thank you for your continued support of the Bowie Food Pantry. Sign up to help with St. George’s Sandwich Ministry Do you find yourself looking for a way to help others? Join your St. Geo’s friends who gather at the church and prepare sandwiches for Warm Nights clients on one Saturday morning a month. Warm Nights is the county homeless shelter program. Our next work day is December 18, and we’ll be preparing and packing 200 lunches starting at 8:45 am. We need 10-12 people and can usually complete the work in under two hours. Please sign up as early as you can using this link so that we can be sure we have enough volunteers: Many thanks! Christmas Services December 24 & 26 Christmas Eve: This year there will be one Christmas Eve service held on Friday, December 24 with special music from the choir starting at 7:30 pm and the liturgy beginning at 8:00. All are welcome to attend in person and the service will also be available via Zoom and streamed on YouTube. First Sunday of Christmas: On December 26 we will have our regular 8:00 service and at 10:00 will have a service of Lessons and Carols with Holy Communion. We will need a number of readers for that service so please let Connie+ know via email if you are willing to read. Blue Christmas Service December 20 This year, St. George’s will hold our Blue Christmas service on Monday evening, December 20 at 7:00 pm. We will use a hybrid format, which will allow participants the options of attending by coming to the Sanctuary at church or by participating by way of Zoom ( The Blue Christmas service is a service of remembrance as we hold in prayer our experiences of loss, and offer comfort and healing. It is sponsored by the Pastoral Care Team. We pray for people whom we have lost and for situations that have been painful. Held on the longest night of the year, we light candles to bring warmth and light to the darkness of grief and loss. Those who take part in the service by way of Zoom are invited to have a candle, if possible. You may also submit prayers of intercession that will be offered during the service. You may send prayer requests to Terry Doyle [email protected] and indicate if this is a prayer focus that you wish to have read aloud or to be held in silent prayer. |
September 2024