Wear Orange June 4
During National Gun Violence Awareness Day and Wear Orange Weekend, June 3 and 4, wearing orange has become a way to commemorate victims of gun violence. It’s a visible reminder that majority of our citizens want to see effective action to address gun violence. Join the Justice League and fellow St. Georgians and Wear Orange to church on June 4. If you don’t have any orange in your wardrobe, we’ll have some options available at church for you to add to your outfit that day. We’ll also have information about advocacy groups, and actions you can take to help move our country toward reforms that can save lives. Pride Sign Making Workshop June 4 Make Your Pride posters for marching with the Diocese in the DC Pride Parade or to post in your yard or window. Stop by in Miller Hall after the 10 am service on June 4 where you’ll find everything you need to make that special sign to share your Pride. Everyone can join in, share ideas, and spread glitter and rainbows-well, maybe not glitter! For more information, see Michael Mangiapane or Mary Frances Bruce. Looking for Pride Donations At the pride parades we like to give away St. George's branded rainbow bracelets and other fun items. We do need donations to support this effort; if you are able to give, please make sure it is marked "Pride". Many thanks for your generosity. |
December 2024