Jacket and Warm Clothing Drive
From now until the end of November, we will be collecting warm clothing, primarily outerwear, in support of the International Students Admission & Enrollment Office (ISAEO) of the Prince George’s County School System. ISAEO registers and provides support services for international PGCPS students and their families, and has been very busy this fall registering students from migrant families. You can help support these children and their families by donating new or gently used coats and jackets (pre-school sizes through adult medium), as well as hats, scarves, and gloves. Please be sure any used items are clean and in good condition (zippers work, no missing buttons, no rips or tears, etc). Donations should be placed in the bin in the narthex. We are also collecting $25 Target gift cards which can be used to purchase other items students might need. See Ed Neuschler to buy cards through St George's scrip program. Please see Donna Haselton if you have any questions. Thank you for your generosity! Bowie Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on this Sunday, November 19 at 4:00 pm This year's Interfaith Thanksgiving Service in Bowie will be held at St. Matthew's United Methodist Church on Sunday, November 19 at 4 pm and will be followed by a potluck dinner. The theme of theme of this year's service is "Working for Peace in the Shadow of War." There is a flyer on the credenza with more information. Advent Devotional 2023 This Advent everyone is invited to participate in our Advent Devotional reading in the form of the resource Holy is His Name: Daily Devotions for Advent by Elis Hiu-Mei Lui. Anybody who would like a book is welcome to simply take one thanks to Adult Formation funds from Ensuring our Future. Books will be available next Sunday November 26; Advent begins on Sunday, December 3. You are welcome to pray with the book on your own, or gather on Mondays December 4, December 11, December 18 and January 8 at 7:00 pm on Zoom for a time of prayers and reflection as a group. See Connie+ or Terry Doyle with any questions. Please Return Your Pledge for 2024 While our Ingathering Sunday is behind us, the work of stewardship and St. George's Stewardship Team continues as we invite everyone who has not yet turned in a pledge card for 2024 giving to prayerfully consider doing so. Hard copies are available in the church to put in the offering basket; commitments can be made online HERE. Many thanks for your generous support of St. George's. The St. Nicolas Party Returns on December 2 St. George's annual St. Nicolas party will be held on Saturday, December 2 from 4:00 - 7:00 pm. All children and their adults are invited to come decorate the parish tree, engage in crafts, food and fun, and see if Bishop St. Nicolas makes an appearance. There are sign-up sheets to let us know how many can attend as well as volunteers needed to bring food and help with setup and cleanup. We are also looking for someone to coordinate the food for this event so please let Connie or Roy know if you are willing to help. All are invited to bring a food donation for the Bowie Food Pantry and/or bring children's hats, scarves, and mittens for the international students of Prince George's County schools. |
September 2024