Bowie Food Pantry
The collection day for the Food Pantry is Today Sunday, April 9, Easter Sunday. Please feel free to bring your contribution on Saturday if you are coming for the Easter Vigil. For our April donation, the Bowie Food Pantry needs are: canned fruit, jars of applesauce, soups- but NOT chicken noodle, and toilet paper. Thank you for your generosity in supporting them. Easter egg hunt and flowering the Cross All of the children here today are invited to participate in the long standing Easter tradition. Flowering the cross and Easter egg hunting out in the cemetery. Happy Easter! St. George’s Day International Potluck April 23,2023 The feast day of St. George’s day falls on Sunday April 23. We will celebrate 150 years of St. George’s church in remembrance of our Patron Saint with a potluck following the 10 am service. Everyone is invited to bring a dish to share from your family or cultural heritage, as we recognize and celebrate where we come from and who we are as a community. |
February 2025