We invite everyone to cut a small branch, greens, or whatever is available to you in your circumstances and have it with you for the worship service on Sunday as we do a virtual celebration of the palms. Follow along with the service booklet: Open it in a new tab in your browser by holding down CTRL before clicking Download file. If you're on a phone or tablet, long press on Download File to open it in a new tab or to save it.
After the Sunday Service, join the St. George’s community for “virtual hospitality" at 11:00. If you prefer calling in by phone, the number is (301) 715 8592, the meeting ID is 886 390 429, and the password is 120557. We will be gathering virtually from 11:00 am until roughly 12 noon. Tune in and say hello to others in your St. George’s community.
September 2024