Religious Life Sunday – January 15, 2023 – “Come and See” St. George’s will observe Religious Life today, Sunday January 15 in keeping with a resolution passed by General Convention. Its purpose is to recognize various kinds of intentional religious communities in the Episcopal Church. Religious communities include residential communities, whose members live together in monasteries or convents under a rule of life under vows such as poverty, chastity, and obedience. “Religious life” also encompasses dispersed Christian communities such as the Brotherhood of Saint Gregory or the Third Order Society of Saint Francis whose members are from all walks of life, who have jobs, who live in their own homes, some with families, and who live under religious vows adapted to their calling in life. After the 10:00 service, we will also hold a panel discussion to talk about the various kinds of communities in the church, what they offer and how the traditions and practices of religious communities can benefit the people at St. George’s. Our gospel for this Sunday finds Jesus telling a group of curious folks to “come and see” about his way of life, and we hope you will join us. Our panel will include the Rev. Charles Hoffacker, Brother Ed Munro from the Brotherhood of Saint Gregory along with Terry Doyle and John Rebstock, who are Third Order Franciscans. The panel discussion will be held in the Sanctuary and on Zoom using the same link that is employed for the 10:00 o’clock service. Annual Diocesan Convention January 28 The 128th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington will take place on Saturday, January 28 starting at 9:00 am at Washington National Cathedral. This is the yearly legislative meeting presided over by the bishop and consisting of the clergy of and elected representatives of congregations and considers the diocesan budget and matters regarding the mission and ministry of the diocese. St. George's delegates are Jenna Jones Paradis and Cynthia Griffith. In-person attendance at Convention this year will be limited to clergy and lay delegates, but anyone is invited to watch the proceedings as they are streamed online at Annual Meeting to be held February 5 at 11:15 am The Annual Meeting of St. George’s Church, Glenn Dale Parish will take place on Sunday, February 5 at 11:15 am. Those who would like to participate can attend in person or virtually. At the meeting we will do the business of the church, elect vestry members and a parish delegate, say thank you to our outgoing leaders, and hear about the state of the parish, including celebrating St. George's sesquicentennial (150th anniversary!) in 2023. All are encouraged to attend the meeting and participate in our church’s democratic process. |
February 2025