School Supplies Drive for Gaywood this August
Each year at this time we hold a school supplies drive for Gaywood Elementary School. This year we will be collecting backpacks, lunchboxes, pencils (no mechanical pencils please), pencil pouches, pink erasers, colored pencils, crayons (24 count), dry erase markers, highlighters, glue sticks, child-size scissors, rulers, composition books, pocket folders, index cards (large and/or small), headphones for Chromebooks, spiral-bound art sketchbooks (8 1/2 x 11), tissues, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, sandwich bags and Ziploc bags. Donations should be dropped off at St George's by Sunday August 21 so we have time to deliver them to Gaywood before school starts on August 29. Thank you for supporting the students and families of Gaywood! Exploring St. George’s History St. George’s was founded in 1873, after Edmund Bryce DuVal, Caroline DuVal, and Rosalie Ogle, deeded a lot in Glenville to the Vestry of Holy Trinity Parish, Collington. St. George’s will celebrate 150 years in the Fall of 2023 with various sesquicentennial celebrations. A few members have embarked on a journey to learn about the history of St. George’s. This includes researching the original owners of the land, how Maryland’s Indigenous People and the institution of slavery played a role. We are in the beginning stages and we are looking for members who are interested in assisting with research. If you would like to participate, please reach out to the office. |
February 2025