Car Wash Next Sunday, June 2
Sunday, June 2 starting at 11:30 am the youth will lead the car wash right outside the church. Cost is $10. All proceeds go to the Youth Mission Trip to Savannah, Georgia June 22-29. In Search of a New Nursery Attendant St. George's would like to start staffing the cry room again with a paid child care provider - and we need your help. If you know someone who might be interested and qualified to work in the cry room from 9:45 - 11:45 on Sunday mornings please have them call the office to set up an interview. The pay rate is competitive. The job posting is HERE as well. Bible Study on Ruth and Esther There are 156 Sundays in the three year cycle of the church readings (the lectionary) - and a total of 3 readings from the Book of Ruth and the Book of Esther show up. Learn more about these books by participating in a Monday evening bible study this spring. The books are quite short but raise themes of loving-kindness and suffering, identity and foreignness, empowerment and reversal. Join us on Mondays at 7 pm. You can speak to Karen Horrocks, Terry Doyle, Jocelyn Tidwell or Connie+ with questions. The next meeting is Monday, June 3 via Zoom, join HERE. 2024 Pride Events in June • Join St. George’s on Saturday, June 1 at 12 noon for the Annapolis Pride Parade. There is a new parade route for 2024: the approx.1.2 mile parade route follows Main Street from the Annapolis City Dock, down West Street to Amos Garrett Boulevard. Please join us, wearing your brightly colored St. George's Church t-shirts! There is a sign up sheet on the credenza, please use it so we have an accurate headcount. If you are able, please consider making a monetary donation to offset the cost of parade giveaways. Lastly, we are looking for 1 or 2 vehicles to drive in the parade. Questions? Contact Michael Mangiapane HERE or Mary Rogers HERE. • St. George's is also invited to join the Episcopal Diocese of Washington (EDOW) group for the DC Capital Pride Parade on Saturday, June 8 at 3 pm. Please use the separate sign up sheet, Michael and Mary will send you the information from EDOW. • Finally, the City of Greenbelt is hosting two Pride events: a Pride Prom on Friday, June 14 and Pride Fest on Saturday, June 15. If you are interested in either or both of these events, please sign up on that sign up sheet. |
February 2025