Toiletries Collection for the Bowie Food Pantry
The middle and primary school Sunday School classes are leading a drive for personal care items to be donated to the Bowie Food Pantry for distribution to their clients. Here are the details from the kids: The people who use the Bowie Food Pantry have asked us to donate toiletries to them. If you could be so kind as to bring things like the following, we would be very grateful: we need toothpaste, toothbrushes, tampons, pads, soap, deodorant, lotion, shampoo, and conditioner. Hand sanitizer and tissues are okay too. Please bring full size (not mini or jumbo). Monetary donations are also welcome to help buy supplies. We (the kids) will collect these things the weeks of October 13 - November 3. Then we will sort them and deliver them to the Food Pantry. Please put these things in labeled the bin in the Narthex. Thank you! Sign Up for the St. George's Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October 27, 4 to 6 pm Please sign up in the narthex to attend the Trunk or Treat event on October 27 and let us know how many people to expect. If you are planning to bring your vehicle and hand out treats, please sign up. Finally, there are other places to help out: bringing drinks/goodies and helping with games and activities. We would love to see you there for some not-so-scary fun! Any questions, please contact Mary Rogers HERE. Chapel Service of Remembrance on November 1 The annual All Saints service remembering those buried in St. George's cemetery will be held Friday, November 1 at 7 pm. We will pray for all who are buried in our cemetery, and for any who have died whom you wish to remember. To submit names, either fill out one of the forms on the credenza or contact the office HERE. The deadline to submit names is Monday, October 28. We will need readers for this service. If you are willing to read, please speak to Connie+. You may join via Zoom HERE. |
February 2025